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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 17 Jul 1969

Vol. 241 No. 6

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Radio and TV Licence Investigations.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he will explain the procedure in investigating whether people have radio and television licences.

My Department maintains records of all licences issued and in the great majority of cases it is possible to establish by reference to these records whether any particular person holds a current licence. Where difficulties arise owing to changed addresses, or where a person takes out a licence on behalf of someone else, or it is suspected that an unlicensed set is held, the matter is followed up by correspondence through the post and, if necessary, by personal visits.

Would the Minister consider it reasonable that, where an inspector called at a house and the householder admitted to having a transmitter and to having no licence, the inspector refused to accept the admission and insisted on invading the house against the wishes of that person? Will the Minister say if that is the usual procedure?

I should not like to think it was usual.

My information is that it has occurred in one instance and I am glad the Minister would not approve of that.

No. I am glad the Deputy does hear about such things. I heard about it only in one case.

I take it there are others.
