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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Jul 1969

Vol. 241 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Irish in Primary Schools.


asked the Minister for Education whether any survey has been carried out of the proportion of school time actually given to Irish in primary schools; and whether he will publish the results of any such study.

An examination made some time ago revealed that the amount of time devoted to the teaching of Irish in primary schools varied from 38 per cent in the junior classes to 20 per cent in the senior classes.

Could the Minister say where this information is available? Has it been published?

These figures are based on a sample survey done some time ago following allegations which were made in relation to the amount of time being spent on the teaching of Irish.

Where can this sample survey be found? Is it published or is it available to Members of this House?

I cannot say if it has been published.

Would the Minister make it available?

I do not know whether it is possible to do that. It is merely a sample survey.

Does the Minister not appreciate that if the results of such a survey are to carry conviction it is necessary for people to see the basis of the sample.

The Deputy can be assured that the Department undertook to carry out this survey so as to get sufficient information for their own future study of language teaching.

Would the Minister consider the question of publishing it or making available the information so that people may see what the position is? Is there any reason why it should not be made available?

I have no information in regard to the type of study to be able to say whether it can or not.
