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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Nov 1969

Vol. 242 No. 6

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers (Resumed). - County Tipperary Estates.


asked the Minister for Lands when the Prices Estate, Coleraine, Dualla, Cashel, County Tipperary will be divided.

I would refer the Deputy to my reply to his previous question on 17th July last. The objection lodged on behalf of the owners is listed for open hearing on 20th of this month.

May I take it that since I last raised this matter there have been some worthwhile developments? I understand that since the last occasion an objection has been served on the estate commissioner.

An objection has been raised since then and the objection is for hearing on the 20th of this month.

This matter has been the subject of a deputation to the Land Commission. There are great fears on the part of the local people as to the division of this estate which is the last hope of the smallholders in the area.

The Deputy will appreciate that it is a matter for the Land Commission.


asked the Minister for Lands when the Constable Estate, Ballypatrick, Clonmel, County Tipperary will be divided.

Proceedings for compulsory acquisition of this 257-acre property have reached the stage where an objection lodged on behalf of the owner is pending for determination.

Can the Minister say when the inquiry will take place?

I am afraid that I have not got the precise date.

Perhaps the Minister will let me know when he has the information?

I shall ask the Minister for Lands to give the information.
