asked the Minister for Finance the position regarding the carrying out of preservation work at Charles Fort, Kinsale, County Cork, stating whether sanction has been given and when work is likely to commence.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Preservation Work.
The initiation of a preservation scheme for Charles Fort is under examination but I am not at present in a position to say when the work is likely to commence. The question of including Charles Fort in a future programme of preservation works to national monuments is under consideration. It must compete with other such projects and I cannot at this stage say what priority it will be possible to give to Charles Fort.
In view of the importance of Kinsale from a tourist point of view and the numbers of tourists visiting these historic ruins, I would ask the Parliamentary Secretary to see that funds are made available for restoration work there as soon as possible.
Charles Fort is acknowledged to be of considerable architectural and historical interest. Preservation work to the fort would be a very major job, the estimated cost of which, at present-day prices, might be £600,000. However, we will commence a limited scheme which will make this building more presentable until such time as a major scheme of preservation can be put in hands.
The people of Kinsale would be satisfied with less than that.
We will be doing restoration on a small scale.