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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 19 Nov 1969

Vol. 242 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Kerry Housing.


asked the Minister for Local Government the estimated number of local authority houses which will be completed by Kerry County Council during the year ending 31st March, 1970.

No up-to-date estimate is available in my Department of the number of houses which Kerry County Council estimate that they will complete during the current financial year. In the seven months ended 31st October, 1969, the council completed 33 dwellings and on that date they had 118 dwellings under construction and had invited or received tenders for a further 134 dwellings.


asked the Minister for Local Government when he sanctioned the plans for and the acquisition of the land relating to the proposed group housing scheme in Rathmore, County Kerry; and the present position in relation to this scheme.

I approved a draft layout plan for a scheme of eight houses at Rathmore on the 4th September, 1968. The compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of the site was confirmed by me on 1st April, 1968. The submission of final documents for the scheme is awaited by my Department.
