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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 17 Dec 1969

Vol. 243 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - University Teachers.


asked the Minister for Education if he intends to invite representatives of the Irish Federation of University Teachers to take part in the negotiation of any future salary increases for university teachers.

Any such negotiations are in every case basically a matter for the federation and the authorities of the university or university college concerned.

Is the Minister prepared to conduct negotiations with the Irish Federation of University Teachers?

I did not say that. What I said was that any such negotiations are in every case basically a matter for the federation and the authorities of the university or university college concerned.

The Minister means they can negotiate with each other but not with the Minister—is that right?

I am sure that the Deputy ought to know the manner in which universities deal with salary questions.

I wanted to understand the Minister's reply. It was ambiguous. I think I understand it.

The Irish Federation of University Teachers could make representations to the authorities of the universities concerned.

The remaining questions will appear in tomorrow's Order Paper.
