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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 May 1970

Vol. 246 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Bord Fáilte Grants.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power (a) why owners of guesthouses in Kerry and elsewhere have not yet received grants from Bord Fáilte in respect of building and construction work which the board approved in 1967, 1968 and 1969 and (b) if large hotels where work was undertaken and approved during the same period have yet been paid their grants.

Applicants for holiday accommodation grants are required to submit detailed plans of their projects in advance of commencing the works in order to secure Bord Fáilte's approval for them. The grants for approved projects do not become payable until the work has been carried out to the board's statisfaction and the developers have furnished all necessary documentation. This procedure applies to both hotels and guesthouses.

I am informed by the board that all applicants for hotel and guesthouse grants who had the works completed and had submitted full documentation in 1967 and 1968 have been paid their grants.

Over the past year the rate of accommodation development has been such that the volume of grant applications which fell due for payment exceeded the funds available with the result that payment of a number of grants had to be deferred. As the Deputy is aware, I informed the House of the position in December last and obtained approval for a supplementary estimate of £500,000 for holiday accommodation to meet immediate and inescapable grant accommodation commitments. This brought the total provision for 1969-70 to £1.5 million. A similar amount is being provided in the current financial year. Outstanding accommodation grants will be paid as soon as possible.

I did not hear the first four sentences of the reply. Perhaps the Minister would repeat them?

I have a reasonably articulate voice and I spoke in the same tone throughout the reply.

The Minister should not adopt the system of other Ministers.

I would point out to Deputies that there are 169 questions on the Order Paper.

Since Deputy Begley is one of the more civilised Members of the House, I shall repeat the reply:

Applicants for holiday accommodation grants are required to submit detailed plans of their projects in advance of commencing the works in order to secure Bord Fáilte's approval for them. The grants for approved projects do not become payable until the work has been carried out to the board's satisfaction and the developers have furnished all necessary documentation. This procedure applies to both hotels and guesthouses.

I am informed by the board that all applicants for hotel and guesthouse grants who had the works completed and had submitted full documentation in 1967 and 1968 have been paid their grants.

Over the past year the rate of accommodation development has been such that the volume of grant applications which fell due for payment exceeded the funds available with the result that payment of a number of grants had to be deferred. As the Deputy is aware, I informed the House of the position in December last and obtained approval for a supplementary estimate of £500,000 for holiday accommodation to meet immediate and inescapable grant accommodation commitments. This brought the total provision for 1969-70 to £1.5 million. A similar amount is being provided in the current financial year. Outstanding accommodation grants will be paid as soon as possible.

A number of guesthouse owners have complained that they are still waiting for grants to be paid for work carried out. Would the Minister arrange that Bord Fáilte pay the grants or else pay the bank overdrafts?

If I receive particulars of the instances concerned I shall be glad to help in any way I can.
