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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Jun 1970

Vol. 247 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin City Development.


asked the Minister for Local Government whether he is aware of a growing undesirable imbalance in the character and style of development in Dublin City as between north and south side; and what action he can take to counter this trend.

It is primarily a matter for the planning authorities concerned to determine the location, type and extent of development required to meet the anticipated expansion of the metropolitan area. The existing imbalance in the development of Dublin as between the north and south sides has come about over a long period due to a variety of reasons. The provision of improved water and sewerage facilities to the north of the city in recent years has led to very considerable development in fringe areas on the north of the city and this had helped to redress the balance to some degree. The revised draft development plan for Dublin city envisages the development for housing industry and other purposes of practically all available undeveloped land within the existing city boundary and any further expansion proposed for the areas on the northern side will have to be provided for in the revised draft development plan being prepared by Dublin County Council for their area. I understand that this revised draft plan should be available for public inspection within the next few months and it will be open to interested persons to make representations or objections to the council about it.

While I appreciate the onus is on the planning authority I am concerned that the Department would interest themselves in this matter. The imbalance I speak about is perhaps an imbalance prestigewise apart from developmentwise and I should not like to see a situation where the north side would become——

The Deputy is making a statement.

Would the Minister not take an interest in guaranteeing that the developments which occur in Dublin will not seem to suggest that the north side is for one type and the south side is for another type?

It is quite wrong to discriminate against one particular Fianna Fáil Deputy.

Is the Minister aware we have not got a city architect?

In reply to Deputy Tunney, I do not know whether I could agree that this mental imbalance exists in Dublin or not. This is purely a matter for the citizens themselves.

The north side is an excellent place to live in.

Major developments which have taken and are taking place on the north side of Dublin will, as I said in my reply, help to redress whatever physical development imbalance may exist. Myles Wright, in his report on the Dublin region, envisaged that major developments would take place to the west of the city in future years.

In order to help the Minister in his inquiries about the Dublin area and because I appreciate that being from the country he may not be fully aware of the position here, may I ask if he is aware that we do not have a city architect in Dublin?

That is a separate question.

It is only to help the Minister.

I can manage without the assistance of Deputy O'Leary. If it was genuine I would accept it but I detect a tone of ridicule in his voice.
