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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 2 Jul 1970

Vol. 248 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Garda University Courses.


asked the Minister for Justice the number of gardaí attending universities who are affected by the recent ruling that facilities for attendance at such courses would no longer be provided; and whether any discussion with the Garda Representative Body on the subject of university education for gardaí has taken place with that body.


asked the Minister for Justice if he is aware that a number of members of the Garda Síochána who have been attending university courses may have to abandon same due to a revision of duty-rosters; and if he will take steps to ensure that members of the force wishing to avail themselves of higher education will be facilitated in every way possible.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 27 and 28 together.

A total of 34 members of the Garda Síochána are attending university courses as a matter of private arrangement and up to 1st April they were facilitated by the Garda authorities by adjustments of the duty rosters so as to permit them to be free at particular times. However, since 1st April, when the hours of work were reduced from 48 to 42 per week, it has not been possible to give this special facility without detriment to the rights of their colleagues in the rostering of duties. I understand from the Commissioner that only ten members have been affected by this change and that no request for discussions on this matter has been received by him from the Representative Bodies.

As I stated in reply to Parliamentary questions on 19th May and 18th June, the question of affording facilities to selected members of the force to attend university courses on a full-time basis is one of the number of matters raised in the Conroy Report to which attention will be given immediately matters of greater priority have been dealt with. I should say, however, that in no case in the public service generally are such facilities granted unless it is clear that attendance at the course will increase the efficiency of the Department concerned.
