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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Jul 1970

Vol. 248 No. 4

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Business in the following order: Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Nos. 22, 23, 24 and 25.

Could the Taoiseach tell us if it is proposed to take all or any of the Estimates before the summer recess?

I doubt if there will be time to take all the Estimates; there may not be time to take any of them but it may be possible to take the Taoiseach's Estimate as a medium for an Adjournment Debate. I have already suggested that.

Is it not a bit unfair then that the Chair should rule questions out of order on the grounds that they will be coming up on the Estimate shortly?

That is not a matter for me.

That hare will not run any more, a Cheann Comhairle.

If the Deputy has any complaint to make about the Chair on that matter he could come to the office of the Ceann Comhairle and discuss it.

The Chair has been handing out notes all round to the effect that this matter would be coming up on the Estimates shortly.

An attempt is being made to muzzle this Parliament.

The Chair is not aware of any such case but if Deputy Tully agrees to see me I shall discuss the matter with him.

The Chair signed the notes.

There has been no such case, as far as I am aware.

I have a note here from the Chair, and there is one in his office——

The Deputy is misreading them.

The Ceann Comhairle misread them when he was signing them or he did not read them.

Was Mr. Gerry Boland misleading the House?


On the Order of Business, since reference was made to the Northern situation and we are about to embark on the EEC debate, may I display my interest in the dangerous canal bridge at Edenderry where two people lost their lives over the weekend?

We cannot discuss the merits of the question at this stage. The Chair will communicate with the Deputy.

I want to raise the question with the Chair because this is the subject of a Parliamentary question.

We cannot discuss the merits of the case at this stage.

The Chair has not heard what I am about to say. The point is that on 20th May——

The Deputy may not disregard the rules of order. I understand the Deputy is giving notice to the Chair that he wishes to raise the subject matter of a certain question?

Yes, a question asked by me on 20th May. I do not want to be in the position that the Chair will say to me that I should put down a new question.

Thank you very much. That is all I wanted.
