asked the Minister for Justice if he will state the strength of the Garda force in Waterford City as at 1st June, 1965, and 1st June, 1970; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Waterford Garda.
The number of gardaí in Waterford on 1st June, 1965 was 72 and the number on 1st June, 1970, was 77.
As part of a general review of the distribution of the force throughout the country, which is currently taking place, police arrangements in Waterford have been examined and it has been decided to further increase the strength of the force in the city by four gardaí.
asked the Minister for Justice if he will state the facilities for detaining people overnight at the present Garda station in Waterford city; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
The Garda moved into temporary accommodation at Newtown Road in Waterford in March, 1970, and arrangements have been made for the provision of two cells at the station.