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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 Oct 1970

Vol. 249 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Married Women's Tax Allowance.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will consider increasing the tax free allowances for a married woman.

The Deputy will no doubt be aware that wife's earned income allowance was increased this year from £45 to £74. The question of further increasing this allowance is a budgetary matter and the Deputy will appreciate that I cannot indicate in advance what proposals the next Budget statement may or may not contain.

Is the Minister aware that there is a great shortage of nurses in the Dublin area? This could be alleviated to a great extent by the introduction by the Minister of a tax-free allowance for married women equal to that for single women. Many of them are finding it a financial strain to go back into the nursing profession where there is a great demand for their services. Even if he were to single out this particular category, the Minister would be doing a great service at very little cost to the State.

I could not, in advance, say what the proposals in the Budget next year may be.
