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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Nov 1970

Vol. 249 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Disability Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if rule 5 (c) of the Rules of Behaviour for a person claiming or in receipt of disability benefit allows a person receiving disability benefit to work for a co-operative handcraft organisation; if he will make a statement as to what other work is permitted; and if he will consider increasing the amount of payment allowed to such people working in hospitals or sanatoria.

Statutory regulations provide that an insured person receiving disability benefit may do work of the kind referred to provided the employment is as an outworker and is under a scheme that is charitable in character and purpose and that the earnings in respect of the work do not, on the average, exceed 60s a week. Other work permitted within the same earning's limit, is work undertaken primarily as a definite part of treatment while a patient is in a hospital or similar institution. The question of increasing the amount of earnings allowed is under consideration.

In addition, an insured person receiving disability benefit may be permitted to do work, irrespective of the payment received, where the work is part-time and is by way of rehabilitation or occupational therapy or where the person has become incapable of following his usual occupation and is undergoing a course of training with a view to fitting himself to take up some other occupation.
