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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Mar 1971

Vol. 252 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price Legislation Reform.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will make a statement concerning the major proposals of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions for the reform of existing prices legislation, as published on 15th March.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware of the statement made by the Confederation of Irish Industries concerning the present system of prices investigation with particular reference to the proposal made by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions; and if it is the intention of the Government to introduce amending legislation.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 28 and 29 together.

I have received a memorandum from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions setting out their proposals on the subject of price control machinery. I have also seen the press release issued by the Confederation of Irish Industries in relation to the congress memorandum. These documents will be examined as part of the examination of the proposed legislation to extend the scope of the Prices Acts of which I informed the Deputy in my reply to a parliamentary question on 28th January, 1971.

Does the Taoiseach— I am sorry.

A little premature.

Does the Minister appreciate the urgency of new prices legislation?

I do. As I already said, I am working on that at the moment.

Can we expect new legislation in the immediate future?

Just prices legislation.

I hope to have it in the reasonably immediate future. I do not want to be accused of saying that I promised something next week and it did not come for about three weeks but I am working on this. In fact, this memorandum from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions which was received comparatively recently is being examined.

The Minister, in his personal capacity, knows how wild prices have gone in recent times——

Since the 15th of February.

——and I am asking him to do something about it. This has happened particularly since decimalisation day.

We have a habit of closing the door after the horse has gone.

Will the Minister tell the House that he will regard this as a matter of urgency?

I do regard it as a matter of urgency.

Will he tell those who are dealing with it?

They are already working positively on it.

The Minister will not mind if we repeat questions like this every day the Dáil sits?

Question No. 30.

Can the Minister say whether there is an increase in the number of inspectors in his Department checking on prices?

That is a separate question.

It all has to do with the recommendation of Congress.

No. The matter of inspectors would be outside the ambit of these questions.

The submission by Congress referred to inspectors as well.

It does not arise on these two questions, Deputy.
