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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 Nov 1971

Vol. 256 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Psychiatric Institutions.


asked the Minister for Health the total number of persons in former Dublin Health Authority Psychiatric Institutions (including recent declassified groups) in 1960-1965 and at the most recent date for which figures are available; and the percentage reduction, if any.

The number of patients on the register in former Dublin Health Authority Psychiatric Institutions at the 31st December in each of the years 1960-1965 was as follows:—3,625 in 1960, 3,687 in 1961, 3,727 in 1962, 3,679 in 1963, 3,643 in 1964 and 3,553 in 1965. The most recent figure available (November, 1971) is 2,855. This shows a reduction of 23 per cent on the highest figure (3,727 in 1962) recorded in the period covered by the Deputy's question.


asked the Minister for Health whether the psycho geriatric assessment unit at St. Brendan's Hospital, Dublin has yet been completed; if so, when it became available for use; and when it is proposed to open it for occupation.

This unit became available for use towards the beginning of this year. As indicated in my reply to the Deputy on 9th June, 1971 I feel that the appointee to the second post of geriatrician to the Eastern Health Board, who will be in charge of the unit, should be involved from the beginning with the working of proposed arrangements. The person recommended for this appointment declined to accept it but I understand that the Local Appointments Commission have recommended another candidate.
