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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Nov 1971

Vol. 257 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Late Night Cafés.


asked the Minister for Justice if an excessive amount of trouble is being caused to the garda in the cities and large towns by rows caused, after public house closing time, in late-night cafés; and if he will make a statement on the desirability of allowing such cafés to remain open after 10.30 p.m.

I have received no representations from the Garda Síochána that the position is as stated in the question.

A requirement that cafés should close at a specified time could be imposed only by legislation. I do not think that such legislation would be justified.

Since the Minister has had the question down for long enough of a period did he not attempt to find out if there was any incidence of this complaint even here in the city?

The gardaí find that occasionally there is a row or a disturbance near one of these cafés, particularly during the holiday period but the trouble caused to the gardaí is not excessive.

Would the gardaí consider about two or three of these per night "occasionally"?

I have given the information that I received from the gardaí to the Deputy but I think the closing down of cafés will not stop rows or disturbances. If people want to have these sort of rows they will have them somewhere or other.

Does the Minister not consider that when disturbances are caused outside those cafés it is unfair to the people living in the area?

It would be unfair to close down all cafés at 10.30 p.m. as is suggested in the question.
