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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 May 1972

Vol. 261 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Grant Payment.


asked the Minister for Local Government the date on which his Department was requested to pay a section 16 grant to an applicant (details supplied): If the application was examined; the condition of the dwelling formerly occupied by the applicant: the amount of the higher grant approved and the date of payment; and, if payment has not been made, if he will state the reason.

No such request has been received by my Department.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary saying that the application has not been received in his Department?

That is correct. No application for the special higher rate of grant has been received in the Department.

An application for a grant has been received?

What has happened to it?

The normal new house grant of £325 has been allocated.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary not aware of the circumstances of this applicant?

I am well aware of them.

Has his Department done anything about investigating whether or not a higher rate of grant should apply?

A higher rate of grant cannot apply to a non-applicant.

The Parliamentary Secretary says that no application has been received. I am afraid somebody has slipped up, possibly with the applicant, but I do not think so. I think the application was made.

This is the second series of questions the Deputy has put down. The position has not changed since he was replied to a long time ago. Surely the Deputy should get this man to put in an application and not blame us.

If the applicant tells me he put in an application I will take his word as quickly as I will take the word of the Parliamentary Secretary. He is talking about something he knows himself, whereas the Parliamentary Secretary is giving it to me second-hand.

I can assure the Deputy definitely that there was an application for the ordinary rate of grant. An allocation of £325 has been made. There is not yet any application for a higher rate of grant. We do not go out and canvass for applicants.

I am aware that they do not. They do not even pay when application is made. Will the Parliamentary Secretary accept that application was made? I will now find out where it went to if it has not reached the Department.

It has not reached the corporation either.

As far as the Parliamentary Secretary is concerned that is a fact.

It has not reached the local authority either through whom these applications must be channelled.

I will produce proof with the next series of questions.
