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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 May 1972

Vol. 261 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Membership of EEC.


asked the Taoiseach if any discussions are contemplated between members of the Government and the trade union and employer organisations on the future of institutional and consultative arrangements arising from the decision for EEC entry.

It is proposed to have discussions with trade union and employer organisations at an appropriate time before our accession to the community.

Can the Taoiseach state if the allocation of seats between different vocational interests on the Economic and Social Council is a matter for decision by the Government here or by the EEC?

Is the Deputy referring to the allocation of seats as between member countries?

No, as between the vocational interests in this country.

No, there is no procedure laid down regarding the allocation of seats between different interests within a country.

Am I correct in assuming that the Taoiseach has not made a decision with regard to the allocation of seats between the various vocational interests in the country?

I think that is apparent from my answer, that I have not yet had discussions with the trade union and employer organisations.

Will the Taoiseach not agree that it has been known for the Government to take a decision and later to have consultations?

That is useful sometimes.

May I ask the Taoiseach in relation to trade union, employer and agricultural nominations that might arise, if it would be the normal practice for these bodies to make nominations to him regarding their personnel whom they would wish to see on the Economic and Social Council? One presumes this would be the manner in which the consultations would proceed. I would be interested in any indication the Taoiseach might have in this regard.

It is a normal practice certainly, but not a predominant one. Naturally anyone who wishes to get the goodwill of the bodies involved would take account of the person they would prefer themselves.
