asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if the criteria for eligibility for the milk coolers scheme will be changed as a result of EEC membership; and if it is likely that liquid milk producers will be included.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Milk Coolers Scheme.
No change is envisaged. Following our accession to the EEC our State aids, like those of all other member countries, will be subject to examination by the European Commission.
Could the Minister indicate why this is not available to liquid milk producers in view of the fact that good quality liquid milk is just as important as good quality creamery milk?
This is undisputed but the Deputy will realise and, I think, also admit, that the area most in need of assistance in the procuring of the necessary plant to get good quality milk was the dairying industry rather than the liquid supply area and for that reason assistance was provided in that area. It is assumed that the facilities available to liquid milk suppliers are and have been adequate.
On what basis does the Minister say that small liquid milk producers do not have capital needs of this magnitude? Is he aware that the distance which milk has to travel in the liquid milk areas, say, from a place like Carnaross, into Dublin, is a great deal further than creamery milk has to travel to the creamery?
I am aware of the fact that in order to produce high quality milk, a milk producer, whether he is large or small, must have the necessary plant to produce it. It is fair to assume that the people in the liquid milk business were better equipped in this regard in the past.
How does the Minister assume that?
Because the standards that were set for the liquid milk suppliers were somewhat higher than they were for other suppliers.
Is the Minister not aware that from now on in the summertime smaller liquid milk suppliers are losing revenue precisely because milk is returned to them as not being up to standard? Does this not indicate a clear need for assistance of the sort envisaged in the question?
In regard to the payment for milk both liquid and manufacturing, the picture has changed so dramatically in the past 12 months that there is no acuteness about this question.