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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Jul 1972

Vol. 262 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Vegetable Exports.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries the body responsible for the promotion and development of the export of vegetables on the British market and the carrying out of research to ensure that the production is geared to meet the consumer demands which were announced in paragraph 5.86 of the Third Programme for Economic and Social Development; and if the results were encouraging.

No formal body was constituted for this purpose, but market investigation and research was carried out by such bodies as Erin Foods and An Foras Talúntais and, in the case of tomatoes, by a special expert engaged by my Department. Grants for market intelligence services are also now available under the horticultural grants scheme announced in this year's budget. It has been encouraging that exports of horticultural produce have risen generally and to record levels in the case of produce such as tomatoes and mushrooms.

Would the Minister consider favourably the setting up of a promotional body for vegetable exports?

This is a matter primarily in which the initiative should come from the trade and I am not aware that any positive steps in this direction have been taken. It is possible that the interests involved may be waiting for assistance from the EEC under the scheme of assistance to farm groups.
