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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Oct 1972

Vol. 263 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - EEC Summit Conference.


asked the Taoiseach whether he discussed the Northern situation at the recent EEC summit conference; and, if so, with whom and with what results.

Northern Ireland was not discussed at the summit conference. However, I took the opportunity during my Paris visit of informing other European heads of State and Government about the situation in the North.

Could the Taoiseach say whether his discussions with other European Prime Ministers covered his general line of the desirability of quadripartite talks? Was that the line he took in his discussions with them?

I cannot say that I took the same line with all the Prime Ministers with whom I discussed the matter. Some of them seemed to be better informed than others but in every case, as far as I can remember, I did indicate that this was a problem the solution of which could be found only in an all-Ireland context, and therefore I was quite consistent. If I did not specifically refer to quadripartite talks, it was quite consistent with that line of suggestion.

Was it the Taoiseach's impression, arising from these talks, that there would be a welcome for further talks on the same topics, if the same problem continues, in the future with the Prime Ministers of these various EEC countries?

I did not ask for any commitment or action on their part. I do not think it would have been fair for me to expect that they would give a commitment or take any action, but it would be my intention in future contacts to keep them informed and appraised of developments as they occur.
