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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 16 Nov 1972

Vol. 263 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Bovine Tuberculosis.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if he will announce his new measures to combat the increased incidence of bovine tuberculosis.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries by whom his Department was represented at the meeting of the veterinary profession on the incidence of tuberculosis in cattle on 26th October last; and why he had received no report of the meeting by 9th November, 1972.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 20 and 21 together.

To correct the erroneous implication of the first question, I must emphasise that the incidence of bovine tuberculosis has decreased over the past three years. I am not satisfied with the pace of this reduction and it was in that regard that the meeting of 26th October was arranged.

At that meeting, my Department were represented by nine senior administrative and professional officers. The bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis eradication schemes and procedures were reviewed in detail and suggestions were sought as to how these might be improved. To study these matters further a special committee were formed comprising two representatives each from the Irish Farmers' Association, the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers' Association, the Irish Veterinary Association, two chief agricultural officers of county committees of agriculture and officers of the Department. The first meeting of this committee took place on 9th November. They will meet again on 17th November and possibly may have one or two further meetings. I look forward to their recommendations.

The detailed report of the very wide ranging discussion of 26th October took some days to prepare. It was circulated on 8th November but, unfortunately, had not reached me personally by the morning of 9th November.
