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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 3 May 1973

Vol. 265 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fire Victims Compensation Fund.


asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that a large number of people were seriously injured in a hall in Ballyboy, Kilcormac, County Offaly in December, 1967; if he is aware that there is a fund to compensate people who are injured in motor accidents when they are struck by an uninsured motor vehicle and that this fund will compensate them for personal injuries; and if he will consider initiating such a fund with retrospective effect to compensate the people injured in the fire at Ballyboy and all future fire accident victims.

I am aware of the tragic circumstances to which the Deputy refers. The motor accident arrangements referred to by the Deputy are financed and operated by the motor insurance companies without State assistance. While I naturally sympathise with the persons who suffered injury, I do not think that it would be appropriate for the State by initiating a compensation fund for fire accident victims to assume responsibility for meeting liabilities which prudent persons may guard against by obtaining insurance cover.
