asked the Minister for Finance the extent to which Ireland is likely to benefit from EEC regional policies.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - EEC Regional Policies.
Community regional policy is currently being evolved in the light of the agreement reached at the Paris Summit that a high priority should be given to the aim of correcting, in the Community, the structural and regional imbalances which might affect the realisation of economic and monetary union. Proposals have to be made, and decisions taken at Community level on a number of questions, including the volume of resources to be allocated to the proposed Regional Development Fund, the rules which will govern the operation of the fund, and the regions in which it would be justifiable to grant fund support. In these circumstances it is not yet pos- sible to estimate the size of the likely future benefit to Ireland from Community regional policy. Assuming that that policy will be based on the guidelines adopted by the Commission in its recent report on the regional problems in the enlarged Community, and will be in conformity with the final communiqué of the Paris Summit, the benefit to Ireland will be substantial.
The European Investment Bank is an established agency of the Community assisting the less developed regions. Proposals have already been made to the bank in respect of certain public sector projects in Ireland and it is expected that loan arrangements for these will be concluded successfully in the coming months.
Other Community policies, namely the common agricultural policy and the social policy, also will have a beneficial impact at regional level.
Could the reply to No. 19 not be as comprehensive as the one just given?
The Chair is not responsible for Ministers' replies.