asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he is yet in a position to make a statement on the discussions regarding the US landing rights in Dublin.
Vol. 266 No. 7
asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he is yet in a position to make a statement on the discussions regarding the US landing rights in Dublin.
andMr. Barrett asked the Minister for Transport and Power the current position in the negotiations on the US airlines' request for landing rights at Shannon Airport.
asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he will make a statement on the latest position regarding the US landing rights demand for Dublin.
With your permission a Cheann Comhairle I propose to take Questions Nos. 143, 144 and 145 together.
As the Deputies are aware, the terms of settlement of the Dublin landing rights issue were announced by me on 11th June last. The main points of the settlement are:
(i) one American airline to be nominated by the US Government has been granted landing rights at Dublin on services between the US and Ireland with a mandatory slop each way at Shannon. The flights will terminate and turnaround at Dublin; in other words the airline will be accorded no onward rights from Dublin.
(ii) Aerlinte's New York rights have been restored.
(iii) Aerlinte will be allowed to serve Chicago via Boston during the months November to April inclusive.
(iv) The terminating provisions of the US/Ireland Air Transport Agreement will not be invoked by either Government during the period extending to March, 1977.
Full details of the settlement terms are contained in my Press statement of 11th June, copies of which have been placed in the Dáil Library.
Because this agreement is bound to have an adverse affect on this region, would the Minister say if he has any plans to reduce the landing fees at Shannon Airport which I understand are much higher than at other international airports?
I think the matter of reducing landing fees is a separate question of which I would want some notice. I do not at all agree with the Deputy that this agreement will have any effect on the Shannon region.
Is the Minister aware that at a pre-election rally at Ennis last February the present Minister for the Gaeltacht made a statement and actually gave a guarantee that if the then Government had already reached any agreement allowing even one airline into Dublin, the National Coalition Government, if elected, would dismantle such agreement? Would the Minister like to say in view of this statement if Deputy O'Donnell was a party to this agreement or was it a collective decision of the Government.
I am not aware of what statement Deputy O'Donnell made at Ennis before the election. Certainly, he is a party to this agreement which is an agreement between Governments and Deputy O'Donnell is a member of the Government.
How does the Minister reconcile with this agreement the statement of Deputy O'Donnell when he said : "I believe that no government in its sane senses could even contemplate any compromise which would permit even one airline into Dublin on a restricted basis"? That is reported in volume 257 column 6112 of the Official Report.
That is an admission of insanity.
I think the Deputy had better ask that of the Minister but, I suppose, in the same way as the Deputy might justify the difference of opinion between himself and Senator Lenihan on the radio last Tuesday.
Quotations are not in order at Question Time.
I am not quoting, Sir.
The Deputy purported to quote a moment ago.
How does the Minister reconcile this agreement with the statement by Deputy O'Donnell that he wanted to issue a final warning to the Government that any compromise on the landing rights issue which would allow even one US carrier into Dublin would be tantamount to a sell out?
Is that a quotation?
Quotations are not in order.
It is generalising on the Minister's statement.
There is not an answer, it appears.
I am not permitted to answer questions containing quotations.
Has the Deputy got a supplementary question?
I can assure the Minister that it is not a quotation. It is a summary of what Deputy O'Donnell said. I might add that it is very close to what Deputy Barrett said. Deputy O'Donnell said in Ennis before the general election.
I am not prepared to answer a question on that. I was not present when the statement was made.
Is the Minister for the Gaeltacht a party to this agreement?
He is, I have already answered that.
Will the Minister guarantee that Shannon Airport will not be further down-graded?
I have every faith in Shannon Airport. The work that has been done by the people employed and by the management over a long number of years is an example to people in other parts of the country of what can be done in an area which some people might have written off as being beyond redemption. I have every faith in Shannon. The region and the airport will be there for many years to come and, if I can do anything to ensure that that is so, I will be delighted to do it.
The Minister's view is different from the view of Mr. James Dillon on Shannon.
Rabbits on the runways.
Does the Minister agree that the old air agreement was very much in favour of America?
That is a separate question.
Does the Minister agree that the air agreement which was terminated was patently in favour of America?
That is a separate question. The Minister would not be in order in answering a separate question.
It is a simple question. Yes or no?
If the Leas-Cheann Comhairle says it is a separate question I cannot answer it.
The question on the Order Paper deals with the current situation.
Is the Minister taking any initiatives to ensure the future of Shannon? I have in mind extending the present scheme for training pilots which is very profitable, and also the possibility of arranging a gigantic European maintenance centre?
That is also a separate question.
I am trying to inspire the Minister to think along those lines.
I do not think that the future of Shannon——
The Chair must tell the Minister that it is a separate question. Deputy Wilson.
Arising out of the Minister's reply——
I have the floor. The Leas-Cheann Comhairle named me. Will the Minister indicate the nature of the compulsory stop-over at Shannon in time, et cetera?
I do not think I can. I think at the moment the Aer Lingus stop is about one hour but I am subject to correction. The same probably applies to the American airlines. I am not certain about that. I have not got the information with me.
Will a specific time be mentioned when the agreement is finally signed?
That is a separate question.
Can the Minister give an assurance that he will endeavour to make certain that every effort is made to see that Shannon is looked after in every way possible?
That is not the question. The Deputy cannot get away with it any more than we can.
If he were interested he would not have signed the agreement. Will the granting of a right during the winter months to Aer Lingus between Boston and Chicago entail a cesser of services by Aer Lingus via Montreal during those six months?
That would be a matter for Aer Lingus, but I would not think so. It would not necessarily follow.