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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Nov 1973

Vol. 269 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Galway Road.


asked the Minister for Local Government why sanction for a local improvements scheme (details supplied) on a road leading to a co-operative pig fattening station has not been granted.

My sanction is not required to decisions made by a local authority in such matters. I am informed that the decision to refuse a grant in this case was taken by Galway County Council on the grounds that the road in question would not give access to parcels of land of which at least two are owned or occupied by different persons, and was, therefore, outside the scope of the scheme as defined in section 2 of the Local Government (Roads and Drainage) Act, 1968. In the light of the representations made in the course of the Estimates debate, I am reviewing the position to see whether assistance can be made available under this scheme or any other scheme and I hope to be in touch with the local authority in the matter shortly.

I thank the Minister for promising to look into the matter further, but the position is that we were informed by Galway County Council that they required the sanction of the Minister before being in a position to carry out the work. When the matter was raised first it was turned down by the officials but later, when it came before Galway County Council, it was decided unanimously that the road came within the scope of the scheme. However, we were told that the Minister's sanction was necessary and I have a letter here from Galway County Council stating that the Minister did not sanction the work.

As I have told the Deputy, I believe this road should have been taken over. I am in the process of seeing what I can do about it. In a letter dated 17th August, 1973, and signed by the secretary of Galway County Council it was said that a grant was not approved because the proposed work would serve only one holding and, therefore, did not come within the scope of the local improvements scheme. The Deputy might take the matter up with Galway County Council since it was one for them in the first place.

If there is a defect in the Act, it should be remedied. Although this road may lead to only one holding it is used by hundreds of families.

I have given the Deputy a fair amount of latitude. If he wishes to elicit information he must help me.

Can the Minister give us an assurance that roads such as these will be taken into consideration?

I have assured the Deputy already that the question of this road is being examined and that it is my desire that it be taken up if at all possible.
