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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Dec 1973

Vol. 269 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. - County Tipperary Garda Strength.


asked the Minister for Justice if he will take immediate steps to restore the Garda force at Newport, County Tipperary to full strength.

I am informed by the Commissioner that, having regard to other demands on Garda resources, he does not consider an increase in strength in Newport to be justified at present, as it would involve a reduction in strength in some area where the present needs are greater. He has, however, decided in principle to assign a sergeant to Newport when circumstances permit, but this is not expected to be possible for some time. Meanwhile, the position is being kept under review.

Is the Minister aware that there is great concern in this area due to the fact that previously they had a sergeant and at least three gardaí? Now they have one resident garda and a garda who visits from another area.

I am aware that some concern has been expressed. The Garda strength was reduced in 1969, and I am advised that the strength which is adequate for the area is a sergeant and two gardaí. At the moment the actual strength is two gardaí, but it is hoped, as I said in the reply, to post a sergeant there as soon as possible. The difficulty in Newport, as in any other area, is that if the people of Newport feel they should have extra gardaí, they have to be taken from somewhere, and that will leave a grievance somewhere else. I have to be advised by the Garda as to what they think is adequate to the area.

Is the Minister aware, having regard to the proximity of Newport to many towns and to the city of Limerick in particular, of the special need for patrolling that area at night time? Some months ago there was a spate of housebreakings in the area. Will the Minister not acknowledge that, as that area develops — and it is developing rapidly — it is very important to provide adequate Garda strength there?

I certainly would share the Deputy's concern if there have been break-ins of the sort he mentions, and I shall draw his concern to the Commissioner's attention to see if the matter could be reexamined. However, I am advised that the examination recently carried out brought the conclusion that the present provision was adequate.

Would the Minister, in conjunction with this, also look at the question of the Garda station on which I know he answered a question yesterday, to ensure that that station will be erected as quickly as possible?

That is a separate question.
