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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Jun 1974

Vol. 273 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Discussion Centre.


asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will consider establishing a European discussion centre similar to those at Wilton Park and Wiston House.

The aims and objectives of discussion centres of the kind mentioned in the question are to help to create an informed public opinion on international affairs by providing a forum in which international questions and foreign policies can be discussed. The activities of such discussion centres can undoubtedly be of considerable value in the elaboration of soundly based policies on international issues.

The establishment of such a discussion centre here is, therefore, something which I feel we should keep in mind for possible action in the light of our financial resources and according as our expertise in the field of international relations in general and European studies in particular, develops.

I should add that, at present, valuable work in informing public opinion in matters of international and European concern is being carried out by the Irish Council for the European Movement and the Irish United Nations Association, both of which receive financial assistance through my Department.
