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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 31 Oct 1974

Vol. 275 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Northern Ireland Punched Cattle.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if he is aware that one meat factory (name supplied) in County Monaghan is accepting punched cattle from Northern Ireland; and if he will have this matter investigated to ensure that no other factories act in this manner.

There is nothing to prevent any meat factory here from slaughtering cattle which have been legitimately imported from Northern Ireland. I have, however, excluded beef from Northern Ireland cattle from our intervention arrangements, unless such cattle can be proved to have been in this country for at least three months. In addition, our slaughter premium does not apply to cattle of Northern Ireland origin which have already collected a premium on liveweight basis before being imported here.

Has the Parliamentary Secretary made inquiries whether those cattle from the factory have got the slaughter premium or been refused it?

It is no harm to read chapter 1 here in this connection:

Northern Ireland cattle prices have been running significantly below the level obtaining here.

That is why they are coming in.

Fianna Fáil have tried to get over to the people that it is——

Answer the question.

The British are not operating intervention. Does the Parliamentary Secretary not know that?

They are much higher here. That is what brings about the difficulty which is the subject matter of Question No. 87.

Are we to take it from what the Parliamentary Secretary said that, in his opinion, the fact that the price of cattle in this State is higher than that in Northern Ireland or Britain means that the present prices are satisfactory? If he does not mean that, what is the relevance of what he is saying?

It means that it is more satisfactory than it is in Northern Ireland.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary satisfied?

No, we are not satisfied. We are looking for more.

Then what is the relevance of what he is saying?
