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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Dec 1974

Vol. 276 No. 13

Ceisteanna — Questions. Written Answers. - Footwear Industry.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether he is prepared to implement price control on imported footwear; and if he will double the import duty payable on footwear from countries outside the EEC.

The operation of price control on imported footwear would make it more attractive to the consumer than at present, and would thus add to the problems of Irish manufacturers.

As I have repeatedly indicated, we are precluded by the Act of Accession to the EEC from raising our import duties on footwear, irrespective of whether it comes from the EEC member states or from countries outside the EEC. The Act does, however, enable the EEC Commission, in certain circumstances, to authorise protective measures for sectors of industry which are in serious difficulty, and the possibility of approving measures of this kind for certain sectors of Irish industry, including footwear, is being urgently examined by the Commission.
