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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Apr 1975

Vol. 280 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Factory Safety Regulations.


asked the Minister for Labour if factories convicted for breaches of the safety regulations are reported to the Minister for Finance where such factories are in receipt of grants-in-aid; and the liaison, if any, which exists between his Department's inspectorate and the industrial development agencies in such cases.

I do not report to the Minister for Finance on the subject of convictions for breaches of occupational safety legislation involving grant-aided factories.

No formal liaison exists between the industrial inspectorate and the Industrial Development Authority. However, the IDA seek the advice of the inspectorate when a new factory is being set up and in many instances the inquiry relates to special processes or particular types of machinery which are to be operated by foreign firms commencing production in this country for the first time. Meetings are arranged with IDA officers and representatives of the factory owners.

Visits are also made to such factory premises when the plant is in the process of being installed although this is not a statutory requirement under present law. The visits are invariably made at the request of the owners, to ensure that the laws of the country are being or will be complied with.

Where factories are set up with aid from Government funds through industrial development agencies or otherwise their occupiers are responsible for complying with all relevant occupational safety legislation in exactly the same way as other employers or factory occupiers who commence production without the aid of Government grants.

Would the Minister agree that it is most undesirable that factories who are in breach of the law have no liaison with the Industrial Development Authority? Would he not consider that such liaison is desirable and necessary in cases where convictions have been procured?

There is no formal liaison but there is consultation of an informal nature between the two sides which, I believe, brings about the same practical result.

Convictions have been obtained. In view of the fact that in many cases the people engaged in the industries are not aware——

I will inquire of the inspectorate whether, in their opinion, a more formal liaison might be an improvement on the existing situation. I doubt that it would, but I will certainly inquire and I will let the Deputy know the result of that inquiry.
