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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 17 Jul 1975

Vol. 283 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Offshore Service Base.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if his Department are considering the establishment of an offshore service base in the west; and, if so, the locations that are being considered.

Presumably the Deputy has in mind a base to service exploration operations under the exclusive offshore licences about to be granted. The establishment of bases for this purpose would not rest with my Department but with the offshore operators either on their own initiative or in association with other commercial interest, subject to compliance with the licensing conditions.

Can the Minister say if the Department will exercise any influence over the location of such bases?

When one says bases there are separate things involved. The question refers to an offshore service base. There is the base for the actual exploration and then, if there are finds. there is the base for the exploitation which is a much more long-term thing. In regard to preliminary drilling, firms are in a hurry, quite properly, and in that case existing facilities have an advantage because a facility cannot be pulled out of the air under about 18 months or two years. It is not possible to do it that quickly, even with the best will in the world. In regard to the more long-term servicing of production facilities we would certainly have an influence because we have, for example, the matter of the licensing of sites for the production of rigs and the studies going on in regard to the location of refineries. This is an area where one wants the best commercial practice and one ought to listen to the opinions of those who are risking their capital to provide a service. While they should not be left complete freedom, it is well to listen to them.

Can the Minister say what locations might be considered for such bases?

I cannot be precise about this, but in regard to existing facilities for port refineries there are only three off the west coast—Galway, the Shannon Estuary and Sligo.
