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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 Oct 1975

Vol. 285 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin CPO.


asked the Minister for Local Government if, in respect of the CPO for the Old Pine Tree Inn, Sarsfield Road, which is included in the widening and improvement of Sarsfield Road/St. Lawrence Road/ Lucan Road Compulsory Order 1974 and which was referred to him on the 2nd May, 1975, for confirmation, he is now in a position to state his decision in the matter.

Before I can determine the application to confirm this compulsory purchase order a public local inquiry into the objections received has to be held. The public local inquiry will be arranged for the earliest possible date.

Has the Minister any idea of when that date will be because this has been going on for some considerable time?

It has been with me since 2nd May, 1975, only. Quite a number of things are involved. It means having an officer who is able to do it. I hope it will be possible within the next few months, possibly before the end of the year.

The Minister will be aware that the corporation have been working on this exit road from Dublin for some time. They changed their plans on several occasions to facilitate local interests. Is the Minister aware that the Ballyfermot Community Association sent a new proposal to the corporation? In view of the fact that they have now got professional advice, will he have this inquiry held quickly to settle the matter one way or another and not allow the Pine Tree area to be isolated?

There are 36 objections to it, as the Deputy will probably know. Dublin County Council are dealing with many matters and, until they are cleared up, it cannot be dealt with. I asked that it should be dealt with as quickly as possible. I appreciate the fact that it is necessary to deal with it fairly expeditiously. I hope it will be dealt with before the end of the year.
