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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Dec 1975

Vol. 286 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Manpower Report.


asked the Minister for Labour if his Department have given consideration to the NESC Report on Manpower in Ireland especially in regard to the role of his Department in the formulation of employment policy; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The comments of the NESC on the OECD Report on Manpower Policy in Ireland have been examined in my Department. There are three propositions which are put forward in the OECD Report and endorsed by the NESC. These are, that manpower policy has an important and key place in the general context of economic and social planning; that the Department of Labour should be involved in all aspects of policy making which impinge on employment; and that the Department should have adequate resources in the way of specialised staff to provide information about the labour market and be in a position to forecast employment trends, and particularly imbalances in supply and demand.

Needless to say, I agree with these views and recommendations. I am making arrangements to appoint a number of specialised staff to a planning unit which will be responsible, inter alia, for the co-ordination and analysis of manpower information. The institution of the premium employment scheme already gives the Department a direct if limited, role in employment creation.

I regard the development of the role of the Department of Labour in the formulation of employment policy as a matter to be pursued in consultation with the other Ministers and Departments concerned.

Two advisory committees now operate under my Department. The first is the Inter-Departmental Committee on Manpower Policy, representative of AnCO, IDA and other Government Departments. The second is the Committee on Manpower and Training Implications of Potential off-shore Oil and Gas finds. Representation on this committee includes the Departments of Industry and Commerce, Transport and Power, Education, AnCO, Gaeltarra Éireann, the ESB, the regional technical colleges, the Higher Education Authority and the universities.

May I ask the Minister to ask his colleague if he would consider involving the trade unions in this in order to formulate policy because I think it would be necessary to get their co-operation? It is significant that this has been omitted from the Minister's statement.

I will do that also.
