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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Feb 1976

Vol. 288 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Oil Refineries Siting.


andMr. Barrett asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is satisfied that the report by An Foras Forbartha on the siting of oil refineries is satisfactory; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The report "A Study of Suitable Coastal Locations for Oil Refineries in Ireland" which was commissioned by me from An Foras Forbartha is intended as one input in the consideration of policy formulation on petroleum matters and I am satisfied that it will be particularly valuable in this connection. I think it is desirable to add that the consultants had to work within the context of the financial and time constraints imposed on them. Much of the material in the report is of a highly technical nature and the consultants study is based on such data as they were in a position to obtain. Indeed, as it pointed out in the report, no data at all was available in the case of many relevant matters.

Why were English consultants engaged by An Foras Forbartha and why did they not allow the Institute for Industrial Research and Standards to make a submission in view of the fact that the institute had already done a study of pollution factors in relation to another sector?

I presume An Foras Forbartha decided to get the consultants who could do the best job. I gather that the institute were involved through a member of their staff in the consultancy team and also in the steering committee which supervised them. I do not think there is any great problem arising between An Foras Forbartha and the institute.

The Parliamentary Secretary has stated that the report will be helpful. Is he aware that one location, the only potential location mentioned on the east coast, namely LA 13 at Dundalk, according to the Admiralty charts has a depth of water of only 18 inches?

I have not studied the Admiralty charts in relation to Dundalk recently but these technical considerations can be argued between the technical people. I do not intend to be drawn into a debate about Admiralty charts or any such matters.

The Parliamentary Secretary has stated that the report will be helpful. Is he not prepared to admit that the instance I have given is proof of the inadequacy of the report and how unhelpful it is?

The consultants indicated in the report that there were certain areas on which they were not able to make pronouncements because of lack of data. The report is helpful because it indicates the information we have and that there are certain gaps in our information which will need to be filled.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that in the report An Foras Forbartha state that many of their conclusions are based on assumptions and guesstimates?

If the Deputy would look at the report he would see that there are many factors to be considered here which are in many ways almost subjective and that there is bound therefore to be an element of value judgment and guess-work.

The report states they were unable to consider infrastructure, power or even pollution, and yet the institute had already done a study of pollution on another proposal. In this case £40,000 was spent on this report in which pollution was not even considered. Is this an adequate type of report?

I have said all I intend to say on that.
