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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Mar 1976

Vol. 288 No. 10

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business in the following order: Nos. 14, 5, 13 and 15 (resumed). By agreement, no interruption this week for Private Members' Business.

On the Order of Business, lest any other impression be created, the agreement was due to lack of communication between the Whips about the motion on the Order Paper that we had intended moving this evening. It was not communicated to the Government Whip, therefore the Minister responsible was not in a position to deal with the matter. That is why the motion is not being proceeded with.

Arising out of the Order of Business, may I ask the Taoiseach would he outline the present position regarding No. 18 on the Order Paper, the Anti-Discrimination Bill (Pay) (Amendment), 1975, in view of the most recent report that the Minister for Finance has now been gagged and not allowed to say anything further or make any other faux pas or wild statements? Has the Taoiseach any news for us?


Do not believe all you read either.

Does the Taoiseach not want to answer my question?
