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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 17 Jun 1976

Vol. 291 No. 9

Report of the Special Committee on the Misuse of Drugs Bill, 1973.

The report of the Special Committee is as follows:

The Special Committee have considered the Bill and have made amendments thereunto and have amended the Title to read as follows:

An Act to prevent the misuse of certain dangerous or otherwise harmful drugs, to enable the Minister for Health to make for that purpose certain regulations in relation to such drugs, to enable that Minister to provide that certain substances shall be poisons for the purposes of the Pharmacy Acts, 1875 to 1962, to amend the Pharmacopoeia Act, 1931, the Poisons Act, 1961, the Pharmacy Act, 1962, and the Health Acts, 1947 to 1970, to repeal the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1934, and section 78 of the Health Act, 1970, and to make certain other provisions in relation to the foregoing.

The Bill, as amended, is reported to the Dáil.

I move:

(1) That the Report and proceedings be printed, and

(2) That the Bill, as amended in Special Committee, be printed.

Question put and agreed to.