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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 Nov 1976

Vol. 293 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Agricultural Workers.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if he proposes to sanction an increase of £3.50 per week granted by the Agricultural Wages Board to male and female agricultural workers.

The Agricultural Wages Board are an autonomous statutory body, and orders made by the board fixing minimum rates of wages for agricultural workers do not require my sanction.

Will the Minister state if that means the actual award is effective?

The Deputy asked me when I was going to sanction. I am simply saying that sanction is not necessary. It is done by statutory order.

Is the Minister aware that there is going to be a transfer of responsibility? Legislation was put through this House and I presume it is now an Act. I want to know the position with regard to the award. Is it effective?

There is no change in the position that has existed always. That is all I am saying to the Deputy.

It has never been referred to the Department of Labour?

I do not know what has made the Deputy suspect a change. When this increase was given by the Agricultural Wages Board it was to be effective from 22nd November. There is no change.

Is it effective?

I have told the Deputy it does not require my sanction.
