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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 3 Mar 1977

Vol. 297 No. 6

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefit.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why unemployment benefit has not been paid to a person (name supplied) in County Laois who applied last November; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The person concerned was not paid unemployment benefit from 6th November, 1976, because she had exhausted her maximum entitlement to 390 days benefit prior to that date and she did not requalify for a further entitlement as less than 13 employment contributions had been paid in respect of her for the purposes of requalification.

As explained in the reply to the Deputy's previous question regarding this case on 27th January, 1977, unemployment assistance was not paid to this person as she was not the holder of a qualification certificate which is a necessary requirement for entitlement to such assistance. Following a report by a social welfare officer, a deciding officer refused her application for a qualification certificate on the ground that her means, derived from the benefit or privilege of free or partly free board and lodging in her parent's home, exceeded the statutory limit which in her case was £798.20 per annum. She was notified of this decision and of her right to appeal against it if she was dissatisfied.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why unemployment assistance has not been paid to a person (name supplied) in County Offaly who applied on 15th December, 1976.

Certain inquiries were necessary to establish whether the person concerned fulfilled the conditions for the receipt of unemployment assistance on his application of 15th December, 1976. On completion of these inquiries, his application was allowed and arrangements have been made to have all arrears of unemployment assistance due paid to him this week subject to any adjustment in respect of home assistance which may be due to the local health board.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why unemployment benefit has been stopped by Tullamore exchange in the case of a person (name supplied) in County Offaly.

The person concerned was paid unemployment benefit up to 9th February, 1977, but certain inquiries became necessary to establish whether he continued to satisfy the statutory conditions for entitlement to benefit and payment of benefit was then stopped. It is expected that these inquiries will be completed shortly and a decision will be given on the claim at an early date.
