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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 30 Mar 1977

Vol. 298 No. 5

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why pay-related benefit has not been paid since 17th December, 1976, to a person (details supplied) in County Laois.

Pay-related benefit was not paid to the person concerned on his claim of 20th December, 1976, because his entitlement to that benefit could not be determined in the absence of certain information about his previous earnings which was only received on 22nd March, 1976. Arrangements have now been made, however, to have all pay-related benefit due to him paid during the present week.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why a person (details supplied) in County Donegal was disallowed unemployment benefit when she was unable to get public transport to her work.

The claim for unemployment benefit made by the person concerned on 4th October, 1976, was disallowed by a deciding officer on the ground that the claimant did not satisfy the statutory condition which requires a person to be available for employment. She appealed against this decision and following an oral hearing, at which she attended and gave evidence, the appeals officer upheld the decision of the deciding officer.


asked the Minster for Social Welfare if he is now in a position to pay the arrears of unemployment assistance to those claiming on Arranmore Island who were penalised due to a misunderstanding which has since been rectified.

I assume that the Deputy is referring to the cases of persons from Arranmore Island who were the subject of his previous questions on 17th November, 1976, and 25th January, 1977.

All arrears of unemployment assistance or benefit due to the persons concerned have been paid where their applications were allowed either by the deciding officer or following oral hearings of their appeals by an appeals officer. No arrears however are due to those persons whose benefit claims and assistance applications were disallowed by the deciding officer and whose appeals, if any, were subsequently disallowed following oral hearing by an appeals officer.

The procedures which were followed in dealing with these cases were explained in my previous replies and I am not aware that there has been any misunderstanding in the matter.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why a person (details supplied) in County Donegal was refused unemployment benefit.

A claim for unemployment benefit made by the person concerned on 19th October, 1976, was disallowed by a deciding officer on the ground that she did not satisfy the statutory condition which requires a claimant to be available for employment. She appealed against this decision but her appeal was disallowed by an appeals officer following an oral hearing of her case at which she attended and gave evidence on her own behalf.

An appeals officer's decision is final in the absence of new facts or fresh evidence.
