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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 May 1977

Vol. 299 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sporting and Youth Organisations.


asked the Minister for Education the total amount of moneys made available through his Department for sporting and youth organisations for the year 1977; and the amounts paid out to (a) sporting organisations and (b) youth organisations.

£400,000 was appropriated to the grant-in-aid fund for youth and sports organisations in the current year bringing the amount in the fund to £488,522.18. The amounts of grants out of that fund to sports and youth organisations, which have been sanctioned in the current year to date are:

(a) to sports organisations =


(b) to youth organisations =




Apart from those grants out of the grant-in-aid fund, sums of £200,000 and £70,000 are provided through other subheads for Comhairle le Leas Óige and Macra na Tuaithe, respectively.

Questions Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 18 postponed.
