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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1977

Vol. 302 No. 5

Written Answers. - Motor Vehicles.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he will state, in relation to the latest date for which figures are available; (a) the number of registered motor vehicles in the country; (b) the number of registered motor vehicles of 16 h.p. or less; (c) the number of registered motor vehicles in households with the use of two or more motor vehicles; and (d) the percentage of households in the State without the use of a motor vehicle.

I assume that the Deputy is mainly interested in "private" cars. On 30th September, 1976, the latest date for which figures are available, the total number of all types of motor vehicles under current licence in the country was 724,816 of which 551,117 were in the "private" car category. A total of 540,000 approximately of the latter figure were 16 horse-power or less.

The details requested at (c) and (d) are not compiled in my Department.
