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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Dec 1977

Vol. 302 No. 6

Industrial Development Bill, 1977: Fifth Stage.

Question proposed: "That the Bill do now pass."

If I could avail of the opportunity to say——

Does Deputy Kelly wish to say anything before the Minister speaks?

It depends on what the Minister is going to say.

I did not have the opportunity last night to say a number of things that I wished to say in connection with the debate at the Private Member's Motion.

Before the Minister goes any further, will I have an opportunity to reply to him without interruption?

On Fifth Stage you can speak only on what is in the Bill and nothing else.

I have no objection to the Minister speaking.

We have some time so we will allow a little latitude. Deputy Kelly can follow the Minister and the Minister will again have the right to reply.

Is this going to be a debate on Ferenka?

I hope not. It cannot on this Bill, I would think.

There is a matter, if it is relevant to the Industrial Development Bill. I am entirely in the hands of the Chair.

On the Fifth Stage of the Bill we can deal only with what is in the Bill. Can the Minister make it relevant to the Bill?

I cannot squeeze it into the Bill.

I am not a bit afraid of anything the Minister may say. I am defending my right to reply, and Deputy Desmond's also if he is anxious to do so.

Question put and agreed to.
Business suspended at 6.45 p.m. and resumed at 7.00 p.m.