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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 16 Feb 1978

Vol. 303 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Darndale (Dublin) Estate.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he is aware of the long-standing grievances of the residents of the Darndale Estate in County Dublin regarding conditions on the estate; and if he will take action to remedy these grievances.

I understand that Dublin Corporation have received and are considering complaints about conditions on this estate. The maintenance and management of local authority housing estate, such as Darndale, are matters for the local authority concerned.

How is it that a group of houses of this size, which is quite considerable, can be built without provision for serious recreation facilities, shopping facilities and proper maintenance as was this housing area?

It was built some years ago and was copied from some such scheme in Great Britain, as I understand it. There have been a number of faults with the scheme, but consultants would have been involved at the stage when it was proposed to build it with regard to the proposals, recommendations and so forth to the local authority. The local authority accepted the type of scheme I would say, and the consultants went along with it.

Is it not possible for the Minister's Department to lay down certain pre-conditions before they establish this kind of scheme, particularly in relation to shopping, recreation and maintenance? In addition to that is there anything you can do now to expedite the improvement of conditions for these people?

I will go into more detail about the scheme and give some of the history of the faults which have been found with it. Prior to Christmas 1977 the corporation received complaints about the accumulation of rubble and other litter on carriageways, parking areas and pedestrian ways, and a concentrated effort was made to remove the rubble and litter and the scheme was thoroughly cleansed. A recent inspection indicated that the scheme was reasonably clear. The high density layout makes this scheme very prone to litter. Many of the rainwater pipes facing public areas have been broken and vandalised, gully covers removed and the gulleys filled with rubble. Remedial work was in progress which will take some months to complete.

Complaints were received by the corporation from some of the tenants about dampness. Investigations show that there were apparently no structural defects in the houses but that the dampness was caused by condensation arising from lack of heating and inadequate ventilation. The problem is more prevalent in houses without fireplaces. The volume of complaints now is not as great as it was last winter. A circular on condensation was distributed which may have helped. The corporation are considering the question of fireplaces and flues in the houses which have central heating only. If the tenants concerned wish to instal flues they may obtain the increased reconstruction or house improvement grants. The situation has improved since the previous year.

It has improved, but vandalism obviously has increased, and because of lack of recreation facilities the miracle is that it is not worse than it is. Secondly, can the Minister do anything about shopping facilities?

Yes, I would hope a mistake such as that would not be made again.

Can he do anything for the residents of Darndale?

With regard to that point, I have no information with regard to the layout and so on. I will have a look at it to see if there is anything we can do.

Is the Minister aware of the serious human and social difficulty being experienced by the 1,000 families who live in this estate without as much as one shop?

This is a repetition of the question on the Order Paper. The Minister has been answering the question for the last ten minutes.

If you, Sir, let me ask the question you will see the point, because the Minister is evading——

That is a speech, Deputy. We are not going to tolerate that.

What proposal has the Minister to ensure that in future the development of an estate such as this will not take place?

The Minister has answered that question just now.

He has not answered my question. He has avoided it.

I am the judge of that. We have now spent ten minutes on one question. My ruling is that there will not be any more supplementaries on this. I am calling the next question.
