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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 May 1978

Vol. 306 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment Action Team.


asked the Minister for Labour the number of jobs created as a result of the suggestions of the Employment Action Team between 22 February and 30 April 1978.

Information in the form requested by the Deputy is not available at present. I hope to make a comprehensive statement, which will include the information sought, when introducing the Estimate for my Department.

Has one job been created since the Minister was forced to tell the House that not one job had been created by the Employment Action Team up to 22 February? I asked the Minister have any jobs been created since 22 February and surely the Minister has that information or will the Minister admit that hardly a job has been created?

Many jobs have been created and as I said, I will make a comprehensive statement when introducing the Estimate for my Department, particularly on the environmental works schemes. The Deputy should appreciate that these are being carried out by the local authorities and that the Department of the Environment are currently co-relating and combining the figures of the numbers involved on this project.

The Minister will know——

Question No. 17.

The Minister will know——

The Deputy will have an opportunity on the Estimate.

I am looking for this information because many young people are expecting to get jobs because of this Employment Action Team which was set up last August. As far as I am aware up to 30 April there was hardly one job created.

That is a statement.

I am asking the Minister to deny the statement I am about to make.

That is a new approach. Question No. 17.

Will the Minister deny that less than 100 jobs have been created up to 30 April?

I have given the Deputy the information.

The Minister says that he had no information now but that he will give the information when introducing the Estimate for his Department. Is that correct?

That is correct.

That Estimate was listed for tomorrow morning and what is the difference between giving the information now and in 12 hours' time?

The Estimate is not now expected to be taken tomorrow morning.

I know that it is not expected to be taken tomorrow morning but the reply to the parliamentary question was prepared last week before it was cancelled.

As a matter of fact a question was being taken last week.

The information must have been available then. Why not give it to the House now?

It was not. The Deputy will appreciate that this is an up to date reply.

Will the Minister accept then that no jobs have been created up to 30 April?
