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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 May 1978

Vol. 306 No. 12

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business in the following order. Nos. 1, 3, 8; in No. 8 Vote 42 and Supplementaries, 9 (resumed) and 6.

On the Order of Business I would like to raise a question concerning the publication of the Consumer Protection Bill. Some three months ago I was given an undertaking that the Bill would be published in the last session.

Does the Deputy wish to inquire——

In the light of this morning's newspaper headlines——

I will have to inquire about that. I cannot answer the question off hand.

I wish to avail of the Tánaiste's presence to invite him to make to the House a personal explanation which will reconcile what he said here yesterday in regard to the 12-month period in which the job creation programme exists with what he said in this House on 24 November last.

That is not a point to raise on the Order of Business. That is a point for discussion. I am not permitting that.


That demands a personal explanation.

The Deputy must know that that is not a point calling for a personal explanation.

It calls for resignation.
