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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Jun 1978

Vol. 307 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - Fermanagh Road .


(Cavan-Monaghan) asked the Minister for Finance if he will arrange to have Ballyconnell, County Cavan/Derrylin, County Fermanagh road declared an approved road as promised; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

: As indicated in my reply to a similar question on 30 November 1977, a limited rather than full approval was the practicable objective. As I stated then, the appro-val of cross-Border routes for customs purposes requires the agreement of the UK customs authorities with whom negotiations have taken place regarding the Derrylin/Ballyconnell road. While full approval of this road is not possible at present, agreement has been reached whereby residents on either side of the frontier who hold special passes issued jointly by the Irish and UK customs will be allowed to use the road for the conveyance of certain categories of goods. This arrangement will be implemented as soon as a suitable site and office facilities are provided.

(Cavan-Monaghan): Will the Minister not agree that before the change of Government arrangements had been made to open this road and that, in fact, the necessary rubber stamps and so on had been procured and were available in Swanlinbar?

: The information available to me does not disclose when the negotiations referred to took place, or more particularly when they were concluded. However, it discloses that the provision of an office of the kind required had been ordered from the Office of Public Works who are also negotiating for a suitable site.

(Cavan-Monaghan): Would not that indicate that arrangements had been concluded?

: It depends on when it took place. I am afraid the information I have does not disclose when the negotiations concluded.

(Cavan-Monaghan): The Minister will not contradict me——

: I am not in a position to contradict the Deputy.

(Cavan-Monaghan):——if I say that my infor-mation is that negotiations were concluded before the Minister took office. Is it a fact that since I put down the question officials of the office of Public Works or his Department have been in the locality negotiating the purchase of a site for a hut?

: That is something of which I would not be aware. I am aware that negotiations were going on for a suitable site.

(Cavan-Monaghan): If it is a fact, as I am assured it is, that last week somebody was in the locality negotiating with re-gard to the purchase price of a hut would it not suggest that the matter has been neglected or put on the long finger? I would ask the Minister to see to it that arrangements will be made to have the road open in the near future.

: In the absence of more concrete evidence I cannot accept the Deputy's suggestion about it being put on the long finger. I accept it should be attended to and I will try to have it expedited.

(Cavan-Monaghan): I am obliged to the Minister.
