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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Nov 1978

Vol. 309 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Advance Factories.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if, and when, the IDA intend to erect advance factories in the Duhallow, Mill-street, Boherbue, Newmarket and Charleville areas of County Cork; and why they have neglected to do so in the past.

The Industrial Development Authority's advance factory programme is formulated by reference, in the overall national context, to the job creation of particular areas, the level of infrastructural development in such areas and their proximity to existing or proposed advance factories. So far, the overall economic situation of the areas mentioned would not have warranted the construction of advance factories.

The Authority will, however, review again the needs of these five areas in County Cork when future programmes of advance factory construction are being drawn up.
