asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he will amend the new salmon fishing regulations as they will adversely affect the tourist industry in County Mayo.
Vol. 311 No. 3
asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he will amend the new salmon fishing regulations as they will adversely affect the tourist industry in County Mayo.
asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he will amend the new salmon fishing regulations as they will seriously affect the tourist industry in County Kerry.
With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 13 and 14 together.
I have just made a bye-law excluding sea-trout from the scope of the regulations made earlier which provide for a shortening of the season in respect of angling for salmon. Because of the urgent need for stringent conservation measures in regard to salmon I do not propose in their regard to make any revision of the regulations.
Could the Minister tell the House on what date he made this new bye-law?
It was published in the papers last Friday or Saturday. I think I signed it last Thursday.
I am glad the Minister responded very quickly to the question. Is the Minister aware that so far as salmon are concerned this will cause serious hardship in the tourist industry especially in the Waterville, the Brandon and the Laune districts? Is he prepared to compromise and meet members of these organisations who have the well-being of the salmon industry at heart just as much as the Minister has?
The situation with regard to salmon is very serious. We are facing the extinction of the species unless we do something about it. I can see the distinction in the case of sea trout. There are reasonably good sea trout stocks and we decided to exclude them. Heretofore, as the House may be aware, sea trout were included in the definition of salmon. I have now excluded them, and excluded them also from the regulations dealing with salmon. In reply to the first part of the Deputy's question, I am a great believer in the efficacy of parliamentary questions. They have an effect irrespective of where they come from.
The Minister is a great performer in giving parliamentary answers.
Thank you.
I am delighted the Minister made this order about sea trout, but I am now asking him about the salmon industry, especially having regard to the tourist industry in Brandon, the Laune and Waterville. Would the Minister meet representatives from the organisations who would like to meet him and discuss this around the table.
I am meeting people about this.
Will the Minister give an assurance that he will meet representatives of these organisations?
I meet representatives of fishing organisations every week, of every month, of every year. There is no difficulty about that.
Will the Minister give an assurance that he will meet them to discuss this serious problem?
Of course I will meet them.