asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry the steps, if any, being taken to monitor catches of mackerel and blue whiting by foreign countries within our 200-mile limit.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Monitoring of Fish Catches.
Under EEC Regulations fishing activities within the 200-mile zones of member states are required to comply with EEC control measures. The Commission has put forward proposals for the strengthening of these control measures in the case of fishing by member states and my Department and the IFO are examining the possibility of having a scheme introduced whereby inspectors from EEC coastal states would be placed on board vessels with a view to the more effective monitoring of catches within the EEC 200-mile zones.
At present the enforcement of fishery legislation within our 200-mile zone is the responsibility of the Naval Service which carries out regular inspections of vessels fishing within this zone.
I gather from the Minister's reply that he knows little or nothing about what is being caught between 50 and 200 miles.
We do not know as much as we should and that is why the new exciting species of blue whiting, which is around our coast in substantial numbers—people have mentioned that there are between 3 million tons and 4 million tons of this type of fish—is sought by Norway and Denmark. It is now being developed as a fish that can be properly filleted and prepared and we are going into that business. We have had proposals already and discussions have taken place between the fishermen in Killybegs and some other interests.
Is the Minister sure that the blue whiting is still there?
I have been informed that the Danes are fishing for blue whiting on a large scale. Is the Minister aware of the quantity they are catching?
I am aware that they are interested in fishing for blue whiting which stretches from the Galway coast to the Faroes and the Norwegian coast.
Has the Minister forgotten the 50-mile exclusive zone about which we heard so much in 1976 and 1977?
That is a separate question.
The Deputy is aware of my views on that matter.
When does the Minister plan to survey that area?
It would be a big job to survey the 200-mile zone around our coast. The species that is attractive at the moment is the blue whiting. We have had a number of proposals for the development of a blue whiting fishery off our western and north-western coast.
There could be others.
I am calling Question No. 17.